
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Simply Low Carb

My low carb guru (AKA my sister Beth) has started her own business!!  She has started SLC Simply low Carb!  She has her own website for her products, you can check it out here.  She has come up with her own delicious recipes for:
  • Granola
  • Macaroons
  • Brownies
  • Carmel Delights
Not only are all of these low carb, but she went the extra mile and also made them gluten free and vegan.  You should really take a minute and check out her website and foods.  You can order straight from her website too.

Trust me, I've tried these foods and they are soooo freaking yummy! And something that's especially great about her treats is that there's not a ton of sugar alcohol in them.  Usually when you find a really great low carb dessert it has a ton of sugar alcohol.  Even though sugar alcohol doesn't effect your net carbs, if you eat too much of it, then you may get a case of the cha-cha's... Nobody likes de cha-cha's.  Also, if you eat too much sugar alcohol, you can effect your weight loss and slow it down (at least I've found that in my experience). But, SLC barely has any sugar alcohol!! Hooray!

Check it out and enjoy!!



    Facebook page: SLC simply low carb

  2. hey ;)

    your recipes look like perfect!
    but I've got one question! What is carbquick?

    Étienne ;)

  3. Low Carb is my way of life! So many mornings & late nights I have just wanted to have a bowl of cereal... Tired of not being able to find any “normal low carb” type cereals and craving it like crazy I decided to create my own! I decided not to stop there... why not cupcakes, brownies, macaroons, etc... So I took on that challenge and have moved on to create just that! After trial and error I have come up with some amazing products that are so yummy and are also not high in sugar alcohols! Even the “normal” eaters in my home say “Are you sure, these don't taste like they are low carb!” and want to eat them! Come visit my Facebook page and "Like it" and I will send you a sample of my Original Granola (just send me a email with the address you would like it shipped to Thank goodness for my sister Megs “My Low Carb Diary” Facebook page. The Low Carb lifestyle is so much easier when you have great support & great food!

  4. Good question Étienne! Carbquick is basically a low carb version of bisquik. As you can see, I use it for a lot of different recipes!

    Here is the official website for Carbquik that gives you more information, recipes, nutrition iformation, news and more help on where to find it:

    Sometimes if you have a specialty low carb type of store in your town you can find it there. If not, its always available at

    Here is a direct link to find it on netrition to buy it:

    Usually you can find it a 3 lb box (that can last a while) for between $12.00- $15.00

    Hope that helps!
